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a dedicated professional from any field.

Work smart with a professional by your side to offer expert advice and match your zeal. Be ahead by using Timeslate.


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Having a hard time figuring it out  - Get invaluable knowledge from veterans and founders through effective mentoring. Figure out your next steps, get an action plan and start implementing.

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Get paid for driving equity and close the mentoring gap through quality mentoring relationships for young people everywhere they are — from schools to workplaces, and beyond.

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âš¡ Available
Idris Yusuf 🇬🇧
Software Developer
âš¡ Available
Idris Yusuf 🇬🇧
Software Developer
âš¡ Available
Idris Yusuf 🇬🇧
Software Developer
âš¡ Available
Idris Yusuf 🇬🇧
Software Developer

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I sign up free on TimeSlate?

It’s completely free. Absolutely no charge.

Who are the Professionals?

Professionals come from various backgrounds in any industry. Before mentors start working with us, they go through an application and initial vetting process. Less than 15% of applicants even make it on the marketplace to begin with! Mentors are also evaluated throughout their service and career on BookASlot

How can I find a Mentor?

The basics are really simple
- You can search for names, companies, job titles and skills in the search.
- If you'd like your mentor to provide specific services.
- You can check themYou can filter by price and category too

How many times can I book a session?

There is no hard limit on maximum interactions per week/month. Contact them whenever you need help and you'll get a reply. While we don't limit interactions on an application-base, there is of course a natural limit of how often you can and should talk to your mentor. They are busy people and can't check in on you a dozen times per day.

My mentor is unresponsive

We encourage to check the available time to keep up accountability and productivity. If you feel like your mentor is neglecting you, try one of the following options.
- Set up a scheduled session
- If they are busy, ask them to pause the payment